COOKIE DISCLAIMER: Cookies are used to determine if the app was updated since the user last visited (if they visited at all), so this changlog won't open up every time they visit.
- What's new in
- All metroline maps are fully interactive.
- Added a map marker!
- Added the ability to see where you came from when moving from map to map.
- Did away with the dev and stable channels as I only ever end up pushing updates that are ready to go, seldom am I needing to push in-progress builds.
- v1.5.15 (beta)
- Popups no longer appear outside the boundaries of the screen.
- Fixed MysteryData information for Dad's, Dex's, and Mayl's homepages.
- Fixed MysteryData information in Internet Area 4.
- All homepages have been made fully interactive!
- Added "beta" tag...
- WWW Area made fully interactive! (Secret Metroline, Fortress Outside and Inside, Lab, Launch Site)
- Tweaked small elements of the UI (Ko-Fi donation link button to be same height as discord link button)
- v1.5.0 (beta)
- Added remaining overworld maps for BN1. All that's left are homepages and other device maps. And then the other 5 games. And also making them all interactive.
- Temporarily hid the nonfunctional tabs. No need to keep it there if I'm actively releasing this for people to use until it's actually implemented.
- Added interactivity for overworld maps (except for dog house)
- Allowed the user to click outside of the changelog to hide it!
- Added the ability to close popups by pressing Esc
- Added a few more tweaks to the overall system, improving consistency from map to map.
- Added homepages, not all are fully interactive, yet.
- Renamed all Network maps to reflect what the *actual* Undernet is!
- Fixed the label for some of the popups (i.e. "MysteryData Information" when clicking on MysteryData objects, and "Gate Info" when clicking on a gate!
- v1.2.0 (beta)
- I finally had enough sense to add a button to join our discord. By the way, we have a Discord! Go an join it for updates! Do it now! Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
- Finalized the merchant display, navi display, and other hover information for interactive maps!
- Added a popup for mystery data.
- Aded item graphics that correspond to the ID of added items.
- Added more interactive maps... BN1/Internet Area 1 is 100% functional!
- Known bug: Homepage warps for Lan, Yai, Dex, and Mayl function but points to maps that do not yet exist... those maps will be worked on asap!
- Favicon has been added. Design is courtesy of ShankNinja! Thank you!
- Popup windows for navis and other elements will now close when you click outside as well as clicking the X button!
- Both the dev and main release channels have animated backgrounds. Also put too much effort into it <3
- BN1: Internet Areas 1-8 are fully functional! Some maps have warps to maps that don't exist yet - that's normal.
- More BN1 Overworld maps are there! Government complex is the last of the maps to be added.
- Map categories are now collapsible!
- Known Issue: Goverment Complex Maps are not yet added.
- Known Issue: Recently added maps (and the remaining maps not specified here are still non-functional, visual only maps.
- v1.0.20 (beta)
- Added alternate background for the dev version. I spent WAY too long on it. But whatever, it's pretty.
- Added dev version, found at this location.
- v1.0.19 (alpha)
- The bug where an older version of the interactive map is resolved; this was simply a caching issue on the affected devices and not an issue with the site.
- Added BN1 maps: Higsby's Shop, all metrolines
- Added an indicator in the top-right corner of the display if the map is interactive.
- v1.0.16 (alpha)
- ADD: Added the BN1 Network Map - an overview of each internet area. This is interactive!
- ADD: Added a donation button (Ko-Fi)
- ADD: Added overworld maps for bn1: ACDC, Lan's House, Mayl's House, Yai's House, Dex's House.
- FIX: Fixed a bug with displaying the map name on dynamic maps.
- The Network Map for BN1 is interactive! Click to jump to any internet area!
- KNOWN BUG: Blank info popup appears when clicking on FireMan.
- KNOWN BUG: Test version of Internet Area 1 continues to load on some or all systems despite the new file being uploaded...
- v1.0.7 (alpha)
- ADD: added all internet/level maps, begun converting them to SVG. Any time an SVG map isn't found, it falls back to PNG. Maps are provided by Mega Boy, taken with permission from Dr Cossack's Lab
- ADD: Styled the site.
- ADD: tabs for various guides (nonfunctional as of now); for now just the maps work.
- KNOWN BUG: Tabs change when you click them, but nothing updates in the sidebar at this time.
- v1.0.2 (alpha)
- Started the project.
Note: I make no guarantees of everything being added, but I will try!
- (In progress) Add click/hover popups misc information (secrets and stuff) with details.
- Add mystery data locations (jump to and highlight on a map)
- Add a walkthrough, compiled from various online resources.
- Add key item information and locations.
- Add navicustomizer parts, locations, compression codes, and mod codes
- Add virus information and stats, location, etc.
- (In progress) Add overworld maps (thank you to Sprites Inc!)
- (In progress) Convert BN6 internet maps to in-game graphics, not the JP version's minimap
- (In progress) Adding warp points in each map.
- MegaMan Battle Network and all IP is owned by Capcom.
- Most maps were created by Mega Boy. All edits to the maps are by Anthony LoPrimo. All maps are credited in the lower-right corner for interactive maps, otherwise they should be listed on the basic image. As of now, non-internet area maps are manually ripped or use assets from Sprites Inc.
- Website design is by Anthony LoPrimo, using modified and original assets from the game, owned by Capcom.